Marion Stellmes


Remote sensing & geoinformatics group


March 9, 2024

Institute of Geographical Sciences

Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
Researcher and lecturer

Address: Malteserstraße 74-100 Room H055 12249 Berlin
Telephone: +49 3083861978
Email: marion.stellmes[at]
Office hours:
Sprechstunde: wird noch bekanntgegeben
Office hour:  Summer term 2023
(Online) Consultation hours during the term: Tuesday, 14 to 16 o’clock, appointment via e-mail.
(Online-) Sprechstunde während des Semesters: dienstags zwischen 14.00 und 16.00 Uhr, Anmeldung per E-Mail

Short CV

Since 11/2016: Senior Lecturer and Researcher, FU Berlin, Department of Earth Sciences, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics

05/2011 – 10/2016: PostDoc and lecturer; BMBF-Project TFO (The Future Okavango) and SASSCAL (Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management), Trier University, Environmental Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics

04/2011: PhD (Dr. rer. nat), thesis title: Land use change syndromes as a framework for integrating satellite observations into the assessment of dryland degradation, Trier University

01/2003 - 04/2011: Scientific assistant and PhD; EU projects LADAMER (Land Degradation Assessment in Mediterranean Europe) and DeSurvey (A Surveillance System for Assessing and Monitoring of Desertification) as well as the Interreg IVa project Regiowood; Trier University, Environmental Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics

12/2002: Diploma in Applied Environmental Sciences, Thesis: “Ableitung sonneninduzierter Chlorophyll-Fluoreszenz zur Detektion von Pflanzenstress” (Deduction of sun-induced chlorophyll-fluorescence for the detection of plants under stress conditions); Trier University and DLR Oberpfaffenhofen

10/1996 - 12/2002: Studies of Applied Environmental Sciences; main subjects: remote sensing and geomathematics, subsidiary subjects: soil sciences and climatology; Trier University

SS 2021:

  • PC-S Regionale Themen der Fernerkundung (BSc)

  • S und LFP Projektbezogenes Arbeiten: Urbane Fernerkundung (BSc)

WS 2020/2021:

  • PC-S Spezielle Themen der Fernerkundung: Umweltmonitoring (BSc)

  • PC-S Fernerkundung und Geoinformatik für Fortgeschrittene (MSc)

Vorherige Kurse FU Berlin:

  • PC-S Geographische Informationssysteme (BSc)

  • PC-S Fernerkundung und digitale Bildverarbeitung (BSc)

  • V Fernerkundung und digitale Bildverarbeitung

  • PC-S Regionale Themen der Fernerkundung (BSc)

  • PC-S Spezielle Themen der Fernerkundung (BSc)

  • S, PS, LFP Projekt I (u.a. Kyritzer Heide, Rügen)

  • S Projekt II

  • PC-S Advanced Remote Sensing (MSc)

  • V Advanced Remote Sensing (MSc)

Research interest and expertise:

I am specialized in time series analysis of medium and coarse resolution remote sensing time series and I have been working for more than ten years in the field of land cover/use change detection. Moreover, I have attended in many field studies and campaigns to collect validation data with spectrometers and many other instruments.

I am interested in interdisciplinary environmental research, especially in the evaluation of ecosystem goods and services and I have a strong background in remote sensing based monitoring of land degradation and desertification. I worked in many EU-funded projects, amongst others the LADAMER project and the DeSurvey project, which were dedicated to assessment of land degradation in the Mediterranean. During the last years, I was involved in the international interdisciplinary project SASSCAL, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is a joint initiative of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Germany, responding to the challenges of global change.


I received my Diploma in Applied Environmental Sciences in 2002, with an emphasis on optical remote sensing and geomathematics and I wrote my diploma thesis in collaboration with the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. Until October 2016, I was a senior scientist in the Department of Environmental Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics at Trier University, Germany, where I also obtained my PhD in 2012.

Complete lists at:


Google Scholar
