Fabian Fassnach


Remote sensing & geoinformatics group


March 9, 2024

Institute of Geographical Sciences

Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics

Address: Malteserstraße 74-100 Room H057 12249 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 838 51773
Email: fabian.fassnacht[at]fu-berlin.de
Office hours:
Sprechstunde: wird noch bekanntgegeben
Office hour: tbd

Short CV

Since 04/2022: Professor for Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin

2021: Editor-in-Chief Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research (OUP, Institute of Chartered Foresters)

2020: Senior Scientist, Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

2017+2019: Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s International Fellowship Initiative scholarship as visiting researcher, Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Xining, China.

2016: Associate Editor Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research (OUP, Institute of Chartered Foresters)

2015: Fulbright visiting scholar scholarship to visit Colorado State University, USA

2014: Lecturer/PostDoc, Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Since 2013: Guest lecturer at the Universidad de Chile, Chile.

2012: Research visit Universidad de Chile, Chile.

2010-2014: PhD University of Freiburg “Assessing the potential of imaging spectroscopy data to map tree species composition and bark beetle-related tree mortality”

SS 2022:

  • VL und PC-S Geographische Informationssysteme (BSc)

  • Projekt I WP Modul (MSc)

Research interest and expertise:

  • Applying remote sensing data to understand ecological patterns and processes of vegetation ecosystems

  • Understanding the link between vegetation traits and remotely sensed data

  • Development of work-flows to quantify and map forest attributes using remote sensing data

  • Work-flow development in the field of remote sensing to support a range of application fields including for example forest inventories, wildfire risk assessment, prevention and mitigation of grassland degradation

  • Development of concepts and work-flows to create synthetic remote sensing data enabling an improved understanding of the link between remotely sensed data and the addressed target variable

Project coordination and project proposals

  • FORZA - Reconstruction of FORest decline processes in the ZAgros forests of Western Iran using remote sensing and dendrochronology [Principal Investigator], 07/2020-06/2022, BMBF.

  • INSANE – INnovative Spatial information products for forest Applications using NEw satellite technologies [Principal Investigator], 04/2020-12/2021, DAAD.

  • Erweiterung des ökologischen, waldbaulichen und technischen Wissens zu Waldbränden (ErWiN); Teilvorhaben 1: Verbessertes Verständnis der Waldbranddynamik in deutschen Wäldern mittels Deep Learning und Feuerausbreitungssimulationen [Principal Investigator & Project coordinator] 06/2020-09/2023, Fachagentur Natürliche Rohstoffe e.V..

  • Regional Monitoring and Modeling of the Effects of Vegetation Restoration on Soil Erosion [Principal Investigator], 02/2019-06/2019, Chinesisch-Deutsches * Zentrum für Wissenschaftsförderung (Workshop-Förderung).

  • SYSSIFOSS - Synthetic structural remote sensing data for improved forest inventory models [Principal Investigator], 05/2019-10/2022, DFG.

  • Assessing spatio-temporal impacts of global change on water and biomass production processes at catchment scale: a synergistic approach based on remote sensing and coupled hydrological models to improve sustainable management of forest ecosystems [Co-Investigator], 01/2017-03/2021 FONDECYT (Chile).

  • SaMovar - Satellite-based Monitoring of invasive species in central-Chile [Principal Investigator], 01/2016-06/2017, BMWi/DLR

  • Modellierung der klimatischen Standorteignung forstlich relevanter Baumarten [Co-Investigator], 01/2015 – 12/2016, LUBW / KLIMOPASS 37

  • WaldBiomasse [actively involved in project proposal], 05/2013-10/2015, BMWi/DLR.

  • ForestHype [actively involved in project proposal]07/2010-06/2013, BMWi/DLR.