The aim of FutureForest is to use artificial intelligence (AI) methods to provide information that can support climate-adapted forest conversion.
Ongoing Projects
- FutureForest ( The aim of FutureForest is to use artificial intelligence (AI) methods to provide information that can support climate-adapted forest conversion. The effects of different climate forecasts and forest conversion scenarios are to be simulated and the possible effects of different management methods are to be assessed. Main tasks of FU Berlin include:
- Sentinel-2 time series based detection of forest damaged areas in Germany
- Operational "near real-time" monitoring using Deep Learning
- Early detection of damaged areas
- Provision of a Germany-wide map of current forest damage/warnings
- UAV based analysis of the deciduous forests under drought stress in the historical garden districts of Berlin and Potsdam in 2020 (in cooperation with „Stiftung Preußische Schlösser & Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg” (SPSG) and „Grünflächenamt Berlin Steglitz-Zehlendorf”
You can visit the live dashboard of the Installation site here.